What it's all about

Thursday, February 10, 2011

on growing your own human...

as i inch closer and closer to the end of my pregnancy, i find that instead of being anxious for it to be over, i'm really treasuring these last moments and reflecting over how lovely it's been becoming this round.

people are always saying to me lately "i bet you're SO ready" and i think...
well yes we're ready.
but not SO ready.
i like being pregnant.  it's been pretty easy for me.
i'm certain it's much more portable and convenient than having a baby on the outside.
and i never have to feel guilty about having dessert. pass the pie please! mmhmm.

as we get closer and closer to delivery day, i also have been thinking about how much i like billy...
and how it's not going to be just the two of us for much longer...
i've been thinking, hey, i should really take advantage of this! so i do!
i think i probably have spent more time rubbing billy's feet and scratching his back than any normal pregnant lady would.
but i just keep thinking... pretty soon someone else is going to be demanding this attention from me! so i'm loving all over my sweet husband as much as i can.
he deserves it.

sometimes i lay in bed at night, and i feel like there is a 7 and a half pound baby human laying on top of all of my organs and kicking them.
and i think how gross and uncomfortable that is.
and then i realize that there actually IS a 7 and a half pound baby human laying on top of all of my organs and kicking them.
but it's kinda cute sometimes.
he's cute when he drums perfect beats.
and when he talks to his daddy with responsive punches.
and when he sends me shooting upright out of a dead sleep at 3 am with a swift heel to the rib.
wait, not so much that last one.
but seriously, it's kind of cool having your very own human inside of you.  

so i'm content with him keeping shop as long as he likes.  i don't feel rushed or anxious.  he'll get here eventually.  and i'll enjoy my last pregnant moments in the meantime.

i know that i really liked reading other mom's tips and pregnancy must haves in the beginning of my pregnancy.  so here are my novice words of first pregnancy sorta wisdom, for anyone who's interested:

stay active.
- be outside.
- walk a lot.
- go to prenatal yoga... especially in the beginning.  i think it helps set the tone for a relaxed pregnancy. 
- stretch before bed.

eat good things.
- if you have kale in your house instead of potato chips, you will make and eat kale chips.
and find that they are even more delicious.
- if you have a bag of oranges in your house instead of a bag of donuts, you will eat a bag of oranges.
and they will be delicious.
- if you buy captain crunch cereal for your husband and eat the whole box in one sitting, it's okay.
captain crunch is also delicious.
but your husband might be a little sad. (sorry billy)
- drink lots of water.  like ungodly amounts of water.  it makes everything better.  seriously.  try it.

be proactive.
- if your back hurts, go see the chiropractor.  as soon as it hurts.  not two months later when you walk with a hunch.  most insurances cover the chiropractor.  and you will be grateful.
- get acupuncture.  that chi stuff doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me, but it makes me feel good.  especially if you feel a little stressed or overwhelmed or like you might be getting a cold.  give it a shot.
- if you're feeling crazy, recognize it.  tell your husband how you feel. he will try to understand why you're scrubbing cabinet doors with bleach at midnight in your underwear.  don't wait until you're at the end of your crazy hormonal rope to talk about what's on your mind.

be your normal self.
- i have my cup of coffee every morning.  otherwise i'm NOT normal.  it's okay, really.
- try and let the weird comments roll off of you.  some people come in to the store and scream "you're huge!" and some say "is your baby growing right? you're so small!"  seriously. if this happens to you, (it probably will) remember- they're not trying to hurt your feelings.  you're just a little sensitive right now.  and your baby is growing just fine.  and you look great.  
- have a glass of wine every once in a while.  i said it!
- take a tylenol if your back hurts.  take a claritin if you can't stop sneezing.  ask your doctor first if you need to.  but i promise it's okay.  
- don't buy maternity clothes.  unless you absolutely have to and have tried everything else first.  buy a bella band.  wear leggings.  buy clothes a size up.  (bigger sizes are easier to resell at consignment shops than maternity clothes are.) steal your husbands t-shirts.  maternity clothes are needlessly expensive.  i bought one pair of maternity jeans, felt like i was wearing pajama jeans, and dropped them in the salvation army box two weeks later.  lesson learned.
- don't read those crazy online pregnancy blogs.  they make you freak out over everything.  pregnancy is different for everyone.  and it's normal.  it's not a disease or a medical "condition".  our bodies were made for it.  and i think our bodies would very much appreciate if we left it alone and let it do it's thang.

so that's it on my pregnancy tips.  i think the most important thing is to relax and trust your body.  give it some credit.  you know what you're doing more than you think you do.

and if anything changes in the next couple weeks and i have some more wisdom to impart i'll certainly update this blog post.  like, if you kill your dog, it's okay, listen to your body, you're normal. your husband won't notice that mound in the backyard and your dirty fingernails.
hahaha just kidding.  kind of.

any other seasoned preggos out there have words of wisdom to share?


Anonymous said...

I'm loving this post. You're so relaxed, so fabulously "chi" ... :) Love ya, mama. You have the perfect frame of mind!

Jenn Nast said...

Your AWESOME!!! Let me know if you need help with anything, I'm here :))

steph said...

all of this is exactly how i felt when i was preggo. minus the boy-feet rubbing (eeewww!) and acupuncture!

Taylor said...

Amen, amen, amen! Especially to good food, maternity clothes, and pregnancy blogs- wholeheartedly agreed. I, however, constantly made my hubby rub MY feet...which were so swollen and gross...ew! :)

Oh and funny thing- in the hospital after W was born, if my tummy gurgled I would instinctively put my hand there to "pat the baby," and then go, "Oh wait...the baby is OUT of me!" Then I'd feel slightly sad that she wasn't just mine anymore. But then I'd kiss her face and it was all good!

Jean Isaac said...

You are a delight! You are great pregnant and you'll be a great momma. I too enjoyed carrying you under my heart and having you all to myself. I was ok sharing you after you were born too, but only because I was the one you wanted most. Enjoy the last days of pregnancy, enjoy and love the days to come. Everyday will be a new adventure. I love you.