What it's all about

Sunday, February 20, 2011

a couple of nursery additions...

i've been busy dying with a sinus infection that's slowly overtaking my entire torso,
but mom and dad came up this weekend so that means (inbetween mom giving my belly the stink eye... where are you baby?) that some things are still getting done around here!

so while mom's busy antiquing my vanity table (more on that later) and dad's foaming up mouse holes (i'll spare you those details) i'll sit here and moan a bit and blog about pretty things.

look what's new in the baby room!

i rearranged the front bedroom this week and rediscovered this little suitcase that billy found when we were antiquing a couple of summers ago.
i thought it would be perfect in the baby's room because it goes with the travel theme.
why didn't i think of that sooner?

it's actually pretty spacious inside and will be great for storing toys and stuff down the line.

but onto my favorite thing...
my poppy (my mom's dad), who just passed away last month, made me a beautiful rocking horse when i was a baby.
like, made it.
hand carved it out of a tree made it.
old school newfoundlanders don't mess around with this "crafty" business.
they just straight up make stuff out of nothing.

mom and dad brought it up for me this weekend from home.
i love how poppy stained it and painted all the little details on it himself.
my favorite thing is how he painted the clydesdale style hair on the back hooves.
it's so accurate and detailed and it makes me smile to imagine poppy's big rough fingers creating something so detailed and beautiful.

i can't even tell you how many hours of my childhood i spent combing and braiding the yarn tail and mane.
i'm so excited that our little ones will grow up playing with such a beautiful handcrafted family heirloom and knowing that real toys aren't plastic and made in china.
and also knowing how talented their great grandfather was and how much he loved his family.

i feel a little bit like i'm decorating a room for an imaginary baby.
like one of those creepy middle aged women who dresses up baby dolls and takes them for walks in the park.
it's kind of hard to believe a real baby is going to hang out in this room soon.

time to take some more tylenol and moan a bit more. goawaysinusinfectionihateyou.

hope everyone's having a great weekend! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm currently moaning about MY sinus infection. :(

Onto happier things ... love the new additions! That rocking horse is precious.

C'mon, baby!!!!

Taylor said...

I love the horse so much! I hope the baby hurries up, but I don't want you to go into labor with a sinus infection, either. So hurry up, baby, but not too fast!

Jean Isaac said...

So glad you are happy to have the horse that Poppy made you. I sure the little boy will have a lot of fun on him, playing cowboys and indians.

6labsgirl said...

I love your blog...
The rocking horse is the most precious gift you could ever ask for. Not only is it a beautiful handcarved antique but a piece of your history that you can treasure forever and continue to pass on. There are so many untold stories hidden in that little horse. I would love to see some of those written on your blog sometime.
Visit my blogs and see some of my family stories to see what I have done with family stories:)