What it's all about

Sunday, July 24, 2011

water. i'm important.

< places soap box firmly on ground. >


this post is about delicious tap water, and how it is good.

it is also about bottled water (or plastic tea, as we sometimes call it) and how it is bad.

i know that the plastic-water-bottle craze is sweeping the nation. 
marketing companies have brainwashed us into thinking that the water that comes out of our faucets is scary and bad for us, and the water we buy all wrapped up in plastic at the grocery store is good for us.

i'm here to tell you people, that this is not true.

our tap water is monitored and tested ALL THE TIME and has to meet certain standards.
you can find out exactly what is in your tap water here.

on the contrary, bottled water companies DO NOT HAVE TO TELL YOU WHERE THEY GET THEIR WATER, OR WHAT IS IN IT.

do you know why they don't tell us?
because it's not good water!
the environmental working group tested all of the bottled water companies water and here is how bottled water measured up:
for example, on their testing scale tap water (yep regular old faucet water!) got an "A"
and brands like deer park got a "D"!  target's archer farms brand water? an "F"!
seriously, read the list, you will be shocked at how your favorite bottled water brand scored.

so let me ask you, why would you pay money to drink water that has stuff in it that isn't good for you?

and besides the whole let'snotdrinkcontaminatedwater deal, we should really NOT support these companies that are refusing to let us know what's in the water they're selling us, and in the meantime happen to be filling the landfills with plastic.  what a horrible thing for the environment!

i'm here to tell you that tap water is delicious. 
buy a filter for your home faucet or a filter pitcher for your fridge, and a nice handy dandy glass water bottle like the awesome ones they make at faucetface or lifefactory or even go for a good plastic kind like the ones they make at camelback (but don't put it in the dishwasher!) and

and if you really want to have fun with it, get a bottle freaker to protect your glass bottles and keep your bevvy cold. :)

if you quit buying bottled water and start drinking from home:
-you will be drinking healthier water
-you will be supporting a green cause and helping the earth
-you will be saving money
-you won't be supporting dishonest companies
oh, and you'll look a lot more hip with your personal unique water bottle! 

thanks for listening to my soapbox rant, and i hope you learned something! :)

and as the most interesting man in the world would say, stay thirsty my friends.


Charity Ruiter said...

Hear, hear!!

Jean Isaac said...

AGREE!!! Bottle water is very bad.

Taylor said...

Agreed agreed agreed!!!! Also, we're teaching our kids the same by getting them hooked on water! Ahem...except no one look at the hatch-full of Costco water bottles I had for my Chinese group...