What it's all about

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

six months.

my little man is six months old!

someone recently asked me what the most surprising thing about motherhood has been for me.

i think it has to be how fast it goes.

pregnancy seems to go SO SLOW, especially at the end.  but once your baby is finally born, it's like someone presses the fast forward button.  it is so hard for me to believe that he is growing up this fast.  and i'm sure it only gets faster.

today was his six month visit and he weighed in at 20 pounds and 27 1/2 inches long.
i checked my baby book and i was 16 pounds and 27 1/2 inches long at my six months visit!  looks like finny-pie has some meat on me.  i have to credit his chunkiness to breastfeeding.  although he does seem to finally be slowing down a bit.  he is in the 90th percentile as opposed to the 95th at his four month visit.

finn continues to do well trying new foods in addition to nursing.
the doctor recommended adding white grape juice to his water to make it a little easier on going to the bathroom for him.  i really can't say enough about our pediatrician.  i love that he suggests natural remedies first and is hesitant to over immunize.  our shot schedule is very conservative.

finn can sit up on his own very well now and is getting better at it every day.  he likes to walk in his walker, and seems to be gaining an interest in crawling, although right now he really just rolls.  he is just starting to kind of hoist his knees up when he's on his tummy.  there is such a broad range of developmental norms, but the doctor said finn is doing great.  (big sigh of relief that his forrest gump noises aren't signs of any problem! ha!)

finn is such a truly joyful, pleasant and easy going baby.  we are so blessed.  what a wonderful journey this has been!


Anonymous said...

White grape juice?! Really?! I need a solution for constipation for N because she hates any form of prune. Sometimes she likes raisins, sometimes not. Thanks for sharing that.

Finn is ADORABLE! Happy 6 months!

Jean Isaac said...

What a sweet sweet boy he is. He has a lot of his daddy's personality. Mommy's too, but he is more content like his daddy. It is so hard to believe he is 6 months old, but I am so excited to see him learn new things too. I love him.