What it's all about

Thursday, September 8, 2011

an anxiety update.

i just wanted to reach out and thank everyone who got in touch with me about my anxiety i talked about in my last blog post!

thank you everyone! :)

you have no idea how many texts, phone calls, facebook messages, comments, and emails i got from my family, friends and fellow young moms.  all because they deal with the same anxious feelings!

honestly, i hated to hear that so many of you could relate. 
because it's a poopy thing to have to relate to.  i wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone! 
but on the other hand, i have to tell you what a giant relief it was to know that so many people get anxiety.  like seriously a lot of people! 
it's normal, it seems to be especially normal if you're a mom, and at the very least now i can stop having anxiety about having anxiety!

i really feel like all of the kindred spirits i have out there have helped me big time. you guys are the best.

i also kind of realized that since finn can sit up, stand up, roll everywhere, and basically beat me up if he wanted to, that i can probably trust him to remember to breathe at night. 
yesterday was a lot better.

a friend told me that she was looking into kava supplements- a natural root- for her anxiety.
this was interesting to me, so i went to the natural pharmacy today and asked them about it.
in case anyone is interested, the natural pharmacists recommended kava very highly, as well as holy basil. 
both come in capsule form.
but, since they are herbs and i'm breastfeeding they recommended i go the homeopathic route instead.

so i got these little guys:

they are for nervousness/restlessness/uneasiness.
they just dissolve on your tongue (they taste yummy).

i picked them up today because billy is going to be away for the night so i thought it was a good time to try them.  so far so good!  i mean, maybe it's the rain making me relaxed, but i feel really good.

anyway, thanks to everyone for being awesome.
and to all of my sweet friends who shared their anxieties with me also-
be gentle with yourselves! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to take a homeopathic remedy in college for stress - totally forgot about it until now! Can't remember the name of it now but it helped, too. :) Hope this does for you!