What it's all about

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the great outdoors.

finn LOVES to be outside.
if it's not freezing or raining, that's where we are.

today, thank heavens, the rain held off.
so i took finn on a walk in his ergo.
this is how he feels about walks with me carrying him:

this is my vantage point.

pretty much the best walk ever, every single time.

this time we were "going on a bear hunt" (i accidentally memorized the book) so he really enjoyed himself.

we didn't catch any bears, but we did spot a donkey.
actually, the donkey spotted us.

have you ever had one of those creepy "someone's watching me" moments, and then realized that someone was a donkey? no? me either.  until today.

finn had never met a donkey before, but he seems to love goats, so i thought we'd give it a shot.

to me, this face seems to say "mom, please stop trying to be 'creative', thanks."

actually, it went really well and they were really cute together.  
finn was really interested in his nostrils.  
sure, why not.

i read something a while back about how babies should get used to different textures.  so one day while we were out in the yard i kind of scooted him off of his picnic blanket and let him feel the grass for a little while.  ever since then he's been hooked.

yeah i said it.  my baby's hooked on grass.

son, i hope this is the only kind of grass that ever makes you laugh this hard.

i recently put a post up on facebook looking for indoor activities for the winter.  (thanks to everyone who answered with some really great ideas!) 
honestly, i'm a little nervous.  
i've realized that babies get bored.  who wants to sit around inside all day? not me.  
the outside is like our number one go-to.  
don't know what to do? throw your baby in the grass. 

there's like a bazillion different things going on out there that are exciting.

i think as it starts getting colder, we're just going to have to start wearing more clothes.

because the great finn wilde just loves the great outdoors.

and i wouldn't have it any other way! :)


Jean Isaac said...

He is so precious! Always with the smile on his face. His Grandma and Grandpa love him so much.

Taylor said...

My fav part is his little belly sticking out in that red onesie! He is positively edible!!

Michelle R said...

You are such a good mommy:) He looks so happy!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I love all your pics. What kind of camera do you use? How do you guys like the Ergo? :)

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE! I don't know how I'm a month late on this but holy adorable. I hope that you have copies of all the pictures you take on him backed up on a hard drive somewhere! keep those pictures safe and i want some so that i can put some pictures up of him in my house.