What it's all about

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

so much to be thankful for.

my sweet friend charity decided to post a facebook status every day in november about something she is thankful for.  what a great idea!  i don't know if i can commit to 30 thankful facebook statuses (stati? what's the plural form of status??) but i think i will try to bust out a few blog posts this month about things i'm thankful for.  let's shoot for oh, say five.

so for this very first blog of something i'm thankful for, what will i choose?  there are a whole host of wonderful things that i'm thankful for.  but today, i choose to be thankful for one very special thing.




oh cheese, you and i have had such a roller coaster of a relationship.

i was lactose intolerant until i somehow outgrew it in college.  little known fact, because whether or not i could get my hands on my trusty lactaid ultra tablet (those things were actually delicious), i never passed up tasty cheese.  pizza, oh pizza, how i paid for you dearly.  if anyone else is familiar with the side effects of eating dairy whilst lactose intolerant, you will be grateful i am not going to take this any further...

but cheese, oh cheese, i miraculously grew out of my lactose intolerance and our love affair continued, but much deeper!  i remember the first time lindsay taylor and i had delicious boursin at circa and i think we may possibly have sang a song about it.  or maybe my heart just sings when i think of you, sweet boursin.  and so many more! 

then i betrayed you cheese, with my brief few months of veganism this year.  i felt terrible.  literally.  some people do so well on vegan diets, but not me.  i was a puffy and bloated uncomfortable vegan.  it was awful. it was cheese withdrawal.  and i will never give you up again cheese!  not for good anyway.

so cheese, i am thankful for you.  i am thankful for cows, and farmers, and bacteria, and all of the other things that go into making the delight that is cheese.  thanks for being in my fridge.  thanks for being in my life.  thanks for being you.

1 comment:

Jean Isaac said...

You are a nut who loves cheese!!!!!