What it's all about

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

road test: the swiffer duster.

mondays and tuesdays are my cleaning days.
yes i have two.
this house is very big.
it works out great because i can get the house cleaned when billy is at work, instead of like when i was in school and had to clean on the weekends.  this consisted of billy trying to help me, me re-doing everything he cleaned because "he didn't do it right" (yes i'm one of those), and then him looking at me like i was a crazy woman as i ran around for eight hours with a bottle of clorox clean up.  embarrassing. 
now i can fully give in to my neurotic cleaning tendencies without anyone watching me.
oh, except tuck.

my cleaning apparently exhausts him.

anywho, i love cleaning products and am always looking for a new and better product or a new and better way to clean.  so the other day when i noticed that *gasp* my new blinds had a healthy layer of dust on them, i thought i would try the new swiffer dusters.

i thought maybe they would make cleaning the blinds easier because of the nifty handle.  and because the ones i bought were pink for breast cancer.  oops.

i also have this image permanently engraved in my head of my mom washing our blinds in the bathtub.  like "oh you can't take a bath tonight i'm soaking the blinds".  there has to be a better way!

but unfortunately, the moral of the story was this:
cleaning your blinds sucks. 
it's a crappy annoying job, and the swiffer duster did not make it any more enjoyable.  it would have been just as easy to dust them with a rag and a little bit of pledge.  lesson learned.  i shudder at the idea of future me giving my blinds a bath.  i'm not above it, i'll admit.

but at least now you know about the swiffer duster! save your money and some landfill space.


Jean Isaac said...

See, once again you should have come to dear ol' mom for advice. I also am guilty of contributing to land fill because of my neurotic habits. And, like you, found out that the swiffer duster on blinds does not work. Hence the bath! lol

Anonymous said...

I laughed about you going after Billy to "re-do" what he's done. I do that all the time when Chris "cleans" although I don't think he knows it. *sigh*

Yes, the swiffer is not good at blind dust but it IS good for flat top furniture dust. I use a plain swiffer pad (the kind you use on the floor swiffer) to clean the blinds and I dampen it a bit. That works for me. :)

steph said...

enjoy your 8 hours of cleaning while you can! i USED to be a clean freak, but then i had kids and now i'm happy if i can keep one room in the house clean at a time and thats the room i spend my time in!
ps. matthew can't clean right either, but i find myself wondering if he's faking so i'll just do it myself the first time....

ItsJustMeg said...

you're so right steph. they are totally "bad cleaners" on purpose.