What it's all about

Thursday, March 14, 2013


i'm reading a book called "the happiness project".

it's kind of interesting.  i mean, i'm not finding it to be a real page turner, but i am finding in it some sound advice.

i read this little portion today and decided to share it.  the last sentence brought tears to my eyes.  it's a good reminder that we have the power to make the most tedious parts of our day the most joyful.
   "a friend of mine told me that when his sons were five and three years old, they woke up at six every morning.  on the weekends, week after week, he and his wife tried to persuade them to go back to sleep or to play quietly-- with no success.
   so finally he gave up.  he'd let his wife stay in bed, and he'd get the boys dressed and out the door.  he'd stop for coffee, then the three of them would head for the park, and he'd watch them play for an hour before they returned home for breakfast.
   these days his boys sleep late on the weekends, and now, my friend told me, those mornings are some of his clearest and happiest memories of that period.  the morning light, the quiet park, his little boys racing across the grass.
   the days are long, but the years are short."



Jean Isaac said...

Isn't that the truth!!
Glad to see Billy is up early having his fruit loops with finn. lol hugs

karaofmuchknowledge said...

That is my all time favorite book. Such a great perspective. Love!