What it's all about

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


the post-evaluation meeting we had with the doctor and therapists went really well this afternoon.  billy and i are both so very grateful for the team that we had.  we feel like they really understood finn's strengths and weaknesses accurately and got to know him well in the short time they had with him.  we are so beyond thankful for the early intervention program and the dedicated professionals that are really changing lives by working with families like us to give kids like finn the best tools to help them succeed.  we couldn't be happier with how today went.

the developmental pediatrician started off the meeting by telling us how impressed she was with billy and i at identifying these early warning signs with finn when it's so easy to turn a blind eye with kids as young as he is.  she said that since we have been so aggressive with getting finn access to every resource available to help him, that she thought we deserved the same from her.  since finn is responding so well and really learning and growing in the early intervention program, she wanted him to have every opportunity that they had to give him.

there were a few tests and scoring systems that they used with finn today, and they were so kind as to not score him on tests like the A-DOS, which is designed for children 2 and up.  we were so worried that they were going to score him on a test he was too young for and he would once again look "really bad on paper."  that didn't happen.  they noticed all of finn's awesome traits, including how laid back, content, and affectionate he is.  but they also noticed his weaknesses- no imaginative play or imitation, and inconsistencies with eye contact and responding to his name.

in all of the tests that they scored finn on, including the DSM-4 and CARS, he ranked on the low end.  he just met the criteria for an autism spectrum disorder, but he fell into the mild/moderately autistic category and not the severely autistic category.

(not the bubble kid!!)
(i'm sooo terrible!)

so, officially, today finn was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder.
not forever.
and if it's forever, that's okay too.
but we're not about labels around here.
we are about tomorrows.
and hope.
and freaking hard work.

the developmental pediatrician did not feel at this time, considering finn's young age, that she had enough evidence to diagnose him with a specific disorder, such as PDD-NOS.  but by diagnosing him on the spectrum, she is opening the door for more intensive therapies.  we have already added an occupational therapist through early intervention as of today, and will be looking at adding a behavioral specialist, mobile therapist, and therapeutic staff through a behavioral support service.
i literally don't know what any of those things mean yet, i just copied them off of her recommendation sheet.
the point is, she hooked us up. 

instead of feeling overwhelmed like i thought i would, i really feel so encouraged and empowered.  the people we met with today were right on the same page with me, and they just want to help finn succeed.  we feel so supported.
they all just loved him so much, too.
you should have seen him popping his little head up over the conference room table this afternoon and making eyes at everybody like "aww shucks, are you guys talking about me?" and then burying his head in billy's lap.  cutest thing ever. 

the doctor is excited to see finn again in 6 months to see how he's doing.
we hope he walks in there and gives her a high five and a big "thank you!" :)

what a big day!  i'm going to have a much deserved beer. or three.
thanks for checking in on us.  all of your prayers, thoughts, positive hippie vibes, and words of encouragement really paid off!  seriously, we feel the love!

and he's worth every bit of it.


PamRose said...

And after all is said and done..The Finnster is our same (yet hard working) Finnster. Love you all

Taylor said...

I am so impressed by the incredible team you guys have! Way to be the rockin'est parents ever and know your little man so well, and be willing to fight fight fight for all the best for him. When I was a teacher, all too often parents refused to see their child's strengths and weaknesses realistically...they wanted to push their kids into a mold that made sense to them, which sometimes meant that kids who needed extra (or different) help didn't get what they needed. Finn is so blessed to get every bit of help he needs from the earliest age possible! God has really big plans for that super cute fella. I am excited to watch his little story unfold and will keep rooting for him (and you guys!) every step of the way!

Linds. said...

I'd like to send all the positive hippie vibes in the world to you, Billy and Finn! Love you guys!