What it's all about

Sunday, September 18, 2011

valley forge.

it was so stinkin' gorgeous outside today.

so gorgeous, that i missed the redskins game.
on purpose.

it was worth it.

we are just a hop and a skip from the beautiful, historic valley forge park.
we decided the crystal clear blue skies and upper 60's temps were the perfect excuse to spend a family day hiking.

and so we did.

we originally intended to stay on the trail, so we brought the jogging stroller.
but we inevitably hopped some fences and went wandering.

which would have been awesome, if we didn't still have the jogging stroller which made our excursion appear more like a lost caravan than a stealthy hike through the woods.
but it was still amazing.  

 (billy just looked funny pushing an empty stroller).

once we went off trail it was too bumpy for finn in it, so i popped him in the ergo.  
(this is also why i'm clearly lagging behind in every picture... an extra 20 pounds will do that to you.)

 it was so nice to get some sun, some fresh air, and break a real sweat.

billy and finn and i really enjoyed ourselves.

but our happiest camper was definitely tuck.

he loves him a good trail.

we came home to find out that the redskins won!

but we couldn't be more happy with the way we chose to spend our sunday!

1 comment:

Jean Isaac said...

Great shots! Glad you guys got to spend the day outside together.