What it's all about

Thursday, September 1, 2011

surprise daddy!

today is billy's birthday! (hi honey!)

we are gearing up for a very busy end of the week and weekend... complete with lots of out of town family and friends visiting (and some staying with us), a big labor day cookout, and full work days to boot!

i am really excited about all of those things, but i thought it would be awesome if finn and i could surprise daddy the night before his birthday so we could have some special time together before things got crazy!

we worked very hard on the surprise all day, on top of all of our other errand running and shopping for the weekend (including a trip to the DMV which was surprisingly quick and painless)

and when daddy came home, we were ready!

i was so excited to surprise billy, that in my glee i messed up royally.
as soon as i saw his truck pull in the driveway, i scooped up the baby and quick lit all of the candles on the cupcakes. 
my next plan was to then hide behind the couch, and jump out and surprise him when he walked in.
except that when i went to put the lighter down (one of those bics with the metal tops)  i tapped the back of little finn's head with it.
it was hot off the press of lighting all the cupcakes, and let me tell you, my little man let out a wail worse than any i've ever heard.
it was pretty much the most awful thing ever.

so billy walked into the family room with finn gasping for breath between sobs and me trying to pull together a weak "surprise?..."  "oh my gosh i'm a terrible mother!"

i felt SO BAD.
after a few minutes and some infant ibuprofen to be on the safe side finn was fine with a very small battle scar.
(i should also mention he was wearing his airbrushed "finn wilde" onesie from the fair, so the fact that i burned him with a lighter was making me feel especially white trash.)
but daddy was very surprised and liked his homemade banner and his little vintage tee i wrapped in a pillowcase (haha).
and we proceeded to have a very lovely five minutes together before family surprised US with a visit!

so things didn't exactly go according to plan.
but we had fun, it's my baby's birthday!  and we're going to celebrate all weekend long!
love you honey!  

and believe me, i am never holding a lighter and my baby at the same time again ever! gahh!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

What a sweet surprise! Honestly, I don't think I've ever considered for a second that the ends of those things would be hot, and I'm always just popping them back in the drawer! Fire hazard, much?!