What it's all about

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

vintage finds: home style.

here's a little look into some of the vintage gems i have found recently for casa de la murphy.

billy said our house is starting to look more and more like the inside of the house he grew up in...

this is somewhat troubling since that house is a little bit crowded now.

i promise i won't bury us in junk treasure.

some little things, like:

vintage playing cards.
dad, teach me how to play hearts!
vintage magazines: the country gentleman!

and then beyond little things, my virtual obsession with vintage textiles.  specifically linens.

first up, this amazing quilt, that is more than just a vintage treasure, it's a family heirloom!

this was the quilt on my mom's childhood bed.

it was sewn together by nanny, my mother's mother, using pieces of old clothing.
every fabric has a story- an old skirt of nanny's, an old outfit of mom's.  all worn thin and recycled into a quilt.  it was created out of need, not want, and is accidentally beautiful.

there are layers of textiles sewn on top of one
another over time.
you can peel back the fabric and see the layers of
time, love, and dedication.

it is a real treasure and i am proud to display it in our home.

next up, more vintage bedding!  i can't help myself!

fun florals in the front bedroom
so bright and colorful
our bed looks very traditional
but underneath is a 70's sheet party!
finn loves staring at that pattern!

i don't know why vintage sheets don't skeeve me out.
i guess some people might think of it like buying used underwear?  i mean sheets are pretty personal.
but, they just don't.  i'm obsessed with them. 
and i wash everything i find in hot hot soapy water a couple times before i put them out.
they're so soft and they just don't make fun patterns like this anymore!

the sheets i featured here i won on ebay.  for next to nothing!  a lot of the vintage chenille bedspreads that i have i find at antique stores though.  most of the time they are slightly damaged so you can get them for low prices and then have your mom repair them (hi mom!)

i'm currently hunting for some retro sheets for the two twin mattresses on the daybed in finn's room.  i want vintage snoopy or smurfs or something fun like that!  those tend to be a little more collectible and expensive though.

okay, this concludes this episode of vintage finds for the home.  i'm off to read the country gentleman.
(just kidding)

gratuitous baby thighs:

he's singing.

1 comment:

Jean Isaac said...

Nanny will get a kick out of the quilt. I'll have Janet show it to her.