What it's all about

Sunday, August 7, 2011

vintage finds: finn style.

finn really scored in the vintage toy department this week! 
it's no secret that billy and i are obsessed with all things old.
so, by default, finn has become a little treasure hunter as well.
here are some of this week's finds:


finn has really been enjoying the books, and the vintage blocks and memory cards are colorful additions to his room until he is old enough to really use them!  

but finn's favorite find this week are these here blocks:

these here blocks?
oh yes, these here blocks.
i quite love them.
thanks grandma!

but my personal favorites are a collection of preschool music equipment.
do you remember having "music" when you were in kindergarten, and sitting in a circle and everyone getting to pick one instrument such as these? 

thrilling, i tell you.
triangle, anyone?
billy is slightly more excited about this than finn.
rhythm sticks!
he loves them.  family band time!

i love that finn is loving toys and books that are classic, have a history, and have been loved before!  we're going to have this kid thrifting before he's walking i tell you! :)

sometimes i get lucky, like this week, and people bring stuff into the shop.  i also have my favorite antique stores in the area, and occasionally use etsy and ebay to find great bargains on one-of-a-kind vintage toys.  do any of you have favorite places to find pre-loved toys, books, or even clothes for a bargain? 


Jean Isaac said...

These pictures of Finn are so adorable. He loves music already...and Grandma love him.

Michelle R said...

Love this post. We have a great kids consignment shop near us but Ebay is my favorite because I can browse to my heart's delight. I wish I could get all the "vintage" Fisher Price toys for my kids--before the days of obnoxiously loud battery toys. Btw, if toys from the 80s are vintage, what does that make me? lol

Anonymous said...

Totally love all your finds! I usually scour yardsales for cool stuff.