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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

dinner on the cheap- volume two

poor irishman night!

so last night billy had a work function and didn't get home until 9:15!  since he had appetizers at his work function and wouldn't be coming home super hungry, i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make one of our favorite dinners... a loaded baked potato!

we take our potatoes pretty seriously around here.  a few years ago i did some internet research on how to make the best baked potato, and i've been doing it this way ever since.  i will share my tricks with you and maybe you will become just as passionate about the baked potato as i am!

doing a baked potato right requires very little, but most importantly it takes time. at least an hour for a smaller potato and up to an hour and a half for a larger one, at 400 degrees in the oven.  this is why i decided to make them last night when i had the extra time to cook them since billy was going to be late.

after scrubbing, the first step to a perfect baked potato is "forking" it.  stab the potato to death with a fork! all over!  this helps it cook evenly and throughout.

next, brush the potato with some olive oil.  once it's covered, sprinkle it on both sides with some garlic salt.  if you're not a "skin" eater, then you don't have to do this, but i guarantee if you try it you will become a skin eater, because it is DELISH!  the olive oil makes the skin crispy and crunchy and the garlic salt gives it a delicious kick.

that's it! then i pop them in the oven... last night's potatoes took 1 hour and 20 minutes.  we normally load them with whatever we have on hand... last night it was butter, sour cream, cheese, salt, pepper, and some mushrooms sauteed in butter and white wine.  normally i like to add some chopped green onions or chives, but we did without last night and it was just fine!

i know a potato doesn't sound like much for dinner, but it is really filling especially if you eat the skin!  you can also do the same thing with a sweet potato. 

dinner number two was a success!  what will i do tonight?


Jean Isaac said...

Thanks for the ideas, you're like my own personal meal planner. :)

steph said...

i was obsessed with baked potatoes when i was preggers with isla! they have always been one of my fave foods, but i actually convinced matthew that if you put enough toppings on there, its a meal!