What it's all about

Friday, October 29, 2010

dinner on the cheap- the final volume!

day five- friday

toddler food night?

hahaha okay, i admit it, i ran out of supplies and creativity tonight. 
if you look back at my original shopping list, you'll see i blew through everything except for... drum roll please.... that trusty can of tomato soup! 
so for tonight's dinner we had grilled cheese and tomato soup! 

and, get this, i found some frozen chicken nuggets in the freezer that i had bought for when my cousin was up visiting with her young kids, and they never ate them, so billy had chicken nuggets too!  oh my gosh i made dinner for kindergartners! hey, who cares, our bellies are full and i MADE it! five days of dinners for two on $25 bucks!  *curtsy* *curtsy*

so, this week was a great little challenge and i'm definitely going to try to stick to a budget for groceries and be creative with what i have instead of looking in the fridge, going "blah!" and ordering a pizza.  i realize that some weeks i'm going to need more groceries than others, like when i run out of my staples, but i honestly think i can do it for under $50 even on those weeks!

i'll keep from boring you with on the cheap blogs everyday about baked potatoes and grilled cheese sandwiches, but when i come up with something clever like chinese take out night i'll be sure and post it.

also, billy and i rearranged the great room tonight and it had a huge effect so i'm going to post a blog probably sunday night about it.  there MIGHT be a little painting happening in there sunday afternoon as well!  eeep!  just a little, but hey it's a step!  wait til you see!


Jean Isaac said...

When are you going to eat your nanny bread? What are you painting and where did you move stuff?

ItsJustMeg said...

we eat nanny bread for breakfast or snacks. you can't have toast for dinner! you'll have to wait and see about the room :D