What it's all about

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

baby restaurant week.

if i were a restaurant i would be a 24 hour drive thru.
and finn would be a chubby college student with a constant case of the late night munchies.

the kid loves to eat at night.
he goes right back to sleep afterward, he doesn't cry, so it could be worse.
but seriously, the past few weeks (maybe month?) it's been every 2 hours.
all. night. long.
sometimes he'll go three.
sometimes it'll be every hour.

i think finn also might be fixing to cut a tooth.
i know "fixing" is a very southern term, but i can't think of a more appropriate one.
because he's not "getting ready to", he's like fixing to get ready to.
it's not incredibly close to happening, but i think i can kind of see/feel a tooth fixing to come through.  anyway, this has made him very drooly and cranky. yayyy.

back to eating-
feeding finn "real food" is both time consuming and messy.
these are two of my least favorite things.
perhaps i will just breastfeed him until he's old enough to eat cheeseburgers.

this link from dr. sears was super helpful to me because it talks about starting solids and how it's not supposed to be a meal replacement for your baby at first, but just kind of a sampling in addition to regular feedings.  it also has lots of good cues to look for on if your baby is ready and when a feeding is over and stuff like that. 

so far finn is interested in eating rice cereal for all of six spoonfuls and then he's over it.
this is kind of annoying.
but anyhow, here is a little how-to on making rice cereal, just in case you're at home avoiding target and have nothing better to but spend time making food for your baby not to eat.

step one:
measure out 2 oz of brown rice
step two:
put it in a blender.
step three:
blend on high for a long time. like five minutes. 
it should be very powdery.

step four:
while you're waiting for your rice, boil 8 oz of water

step five:
hey look, your rice is done!

step six:
whisk rice into boiling water. reduce heat to simmer.
cook for ten minutes, whisking often to prevent sticking.

step seven:
it's done! it looks like this. kinda like grits.

step eight:
add a little breastmilk or formula before serving,
to thin it out.

pretty simple.

now, if you made it this far through the blog, you get a prize.
here's the prize:

(prepare to crack up laughing)

watch out, ladies.


JFKrumenacker said...

Thanks for my prize.

Anonymous said...

I need a diaper from this post. ;)

I love that you use a pumping tube to measure out your brown rice. I still use bottles to measure out 8 oz of drinks for me when I'm tracking my calories!

Taylor said...

I was going to say that my favorite part of this post was the medela storage bottle measuring cup, but then I got to the end. And died. And making your own rice cereal is the BEST. IDEA. EVER.

Jean Isaac said...

GEORGE!!!!! I mean FINN....