What it's all about

Sunday, May 1, 2011

wegmans, eh?

i was scrolling through local radio stations yesterday when i heard a blurb from one of the dj's, and he was all:
"i don't like telling people i have a blog because everyone has blogs these days and they're mostly about nothing.  like here's my blog, and it says:
...'today i went to jcpenney!'....
and then there's one comment that says....
....'jcpenney, eh?'...."

umm, what what was he talking about?
anyway, here's my blog.  it's called:
...'today i went to wegmans!'....
and then you say...
...'wegmans, eh?'....

i went to wegmans.  do you guys know about wegmans?
outside of the store there's a sign.  
it says "wegmans" and then it says "food" and "pharmacy"
i think they should probably change that so it says "everything" and "amazeballs"

we have a wegmans and i've been there once before but i don't really remember what happened.
this weekend i went and i tried to document my journey so i could recall it at a later date.

going into wegmans, i imagine, is like dying and going to a very busy heaven.
i went to get sushi for dinner.  
i said "i will run into wegmans and get sushi.  they have that there."
but i went in and everything went blurry and there were counters full of everything you could ever want.  like fresh burritos, and homemade gelato, and fried chicken, and sushi, and japanese food, and pizza.  
i didn't know what was going on.  
i forgot why i went in there. 
i looked down and there were crates of grapes and blackberries.  they looked delicious.  
i put them in my cart.  
people kept bumping me and giving me dirty looks.
"where am i?" i thought.
then i looked up and there was a man in a white chef hat and he was behind a glass counter and he was making sushi.  oh yes!  i picked out some sushi.  then i got lost in the produce section and wound up at the sushi again.  i picked out some more.

people didn't like me at wegmans because i was clearly overwhelmed and forgot my plan.
wegmans shoppers all seem to have plans.
they also seem to be timing their shopping trip so as to beat some sort of land/speed record for fastest collection of insanely different multicultural varieties of produce. ever.
also, i kept stopping to take pictures of things.  which is weird and clearly annoying.

but they had books in the wegmans.
lots of books.

i've never seen so many books in a grocery store before.

and then they had tea.
so much tea.
even a whole aisle full of loose leaf tea that you could measure out yourself!

i didn't even buy any tea i just looked at it a lot and got confused.  

then when i was checking out they had chapstick.
my favorite chapstick.
in the aisle! just waiting for me! and saying "here i am, your very favorite chapstick!"

i realize that the combination of books/tea/chapstick has relegated me into full blown spinster status.
i might as well have also mentioned my discovery of a vast array of control top panty hose, or bunion cream.  
i know.
but that chapstick seriously is amazing.
it is like putting a fresh snowfall on your lips when the sun is shining.
but don't make out with your husband afterward because he'll say you taste like cold medicine.
worth it.

in conclusion, wegmans is bananas.
i'm going to keep practicing going back and taking better advantage of what it has to offer without getting overwhelmed, walking in circles, and then taking pictures of everything while people bump into me.

i did manage to bring home the sushi.

it was delicious.


Unknown said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Wegman's!!! I grew up with them on nearly every corner back home. Miss them around here! Need to get up to Downingtown soon! Nowadays, I allot 3 hours for shopping there! :)

Anonymous said...

You're hilarious and in rare form tonight. ;) LOVE that meal ... yum. Tea, books & chapstick make you a spinster? Then call me Granny and hand me my yarn & knitting needles. ;)

Jean Isaac said...

Nobody but you could make a trip to the grocery store seem like fun! Yep, I said it, "A Grocery Store" I hate them all. Restaurants are so much better. lol

Taylor said...

Oh my gosh they are opening a Wegman's in Frederick soon and I can't. wait. They have so much gluten-free stuff, too! I didn't know about the loose leaf tea aisle! I will die of joy!