What it's all about

Thursday, May 26, 2011

finn grows up, and a birthday weekend ahead!

yesterday finn was not a happy camper.  after some diet detective work i figured out it may have been some greek yogurt that i've had the past two days for the first time (that i loved ugh!) that upset his belly something fierce.  i'm going to have to cut back on the dairy because i think the finnster is not a fan.  anywho, his hollerin' did make him pretty tired, so i made good on my promise to try and get him to nap in his crib instead of in my arms.

he took two naps yesterday in his crib by himself, one for an hour and a half and one for an hour!  it was definitely a step in the right direction.  then, because apparently he got the hang of it, he slept in his crib for the first time ever last night.  he had been in bed with billy and i up until now < insert your tisk tisk face here >,  which was our favorite thing ever, but i guess not finn's favorite thing ever because he was quite happy to sleep undisturbed in his own bed thankyouverymuch.  billy went in to check on him last night before we went to sleep and came back in our room hanging is head and crying "he doesn't need us anymore!"  i followed that up with a desperate "hold me!" and we were two very pathetic parents.  he still wakes up every three hours like clockwork to eat (finn, not billy..).  i kind of don't mind because it's an excuse to hold him, which i'll take, since he's all grown up now and can sleep by himself and everything.  sheesh

finn's at sandie's house today (our dear babysitter) while i'm at work, so i'm hoping he keeps up the good job and takes a couple good naps for her and his belly is feeling better.  we have an exciting weekend ahead of us!

today is my birthday, and it's funny because this morning my dear friend charity (who just started her own blog) wrote on my facebook wall this morning and it said "happy first birthday that doesn't matter anymore because you have a baby!"  and it's so true.  it's probably the first birthday that i ever woke up and didn't really think much of it.  other than, wow how did my mom push me out without any drugs 27 years ago?  because that i can appreciate now.  thanks mom!  but seriously, i have a feeling that this birthday and the rest of them will have less to do with wearing high heels and having cocktails and more to do with baby snuggling and falling asleep before eleven.  i'll take it :)

we do have some exciting things planned.  sunday especially.  since none of us got rapture captured on the 21st, we thought we'd go ahead and have finn dunked!  that's right, the little dude's getting baptized at our church, st. matthews!  the same place where i got baptized and where we got married!  finn is wearing an extra special christening gown (read dress) that his cousins wore, along with a fancy crocheted little sweater and hat (read bonnet) that his nanny had made for him.  he is going to look like a froo froo frilly girl and i'm really excited about it because i've secretly always wanted to see what he would look like in little girls clothes.  we are taking blackmail pictures to be used if he ever misses curfew in high school.

after finn's baptism, the biggest news of the weekend is my favorite thing ever, the jigger shop opens back up for the summer in mt. gretna!  my favorite place ever.  last summer i got a hole in one on the last hole of mini golf and you better believe that i saved my free game coupon for a whole year and will be cashing it in this weekend!  so excited to spend the day outside in gretna with our family after such a special event!

also, i'm secretly looking forward to this weekend because billy reluctantly agreed to get rid of the yews for me with my dad while i'm at work on saturday!  there is not a more special birthday gift than yard demolition, people!  i hate those shrubs!  we'll see if he can part with them.  billy has a hard time getting rid of things even if they're awful.  i'll be sure to post a picture on monday of him chained to the yews in protest while releasing the stink bugs i've vacuumed up with one hand (you're free! you're free!) and fighting off my dad's chainsaw with the other.  i have to love him for it though, after all, he does hang on to me even when i'm awful :)

and hopefully finn will too.  even though he can sleep like a big boy now.


Anonymous said...

Go Finn! It's so funny how our little ones like their own space, even if it's new to your guy. N has craved her own sleeping space since the beginning ... and while I get sad that she's not a cuddler in OUR bed, I am thankful that she gets a good night's sleep (or nap) on her own. I'm sure when she's older, she'll want to crawl into bed with us and watch cartoons on Saturday morning ... I'm pretty excited for that day. :)

Happy birthday, mama friend! :) XOXO. Your celebration sounds wonderful and how exciting to have little Finn baptized! I hope this weekend is fabulous.

Jean Isaac said...

Happy Birthday my precious first baby! I love you more than life.
Being a momma really does change you for life, but it's a change for the better.
On a lighter note, would you like me to bring up a 1000 mini white lights to put on the yews, after they are cut down and put up in the woods, so Billy can keep them and they'll look pretty?

Taylor said...

Happy birthday! Lenny just destroyed our despicable rhodedendron...it was the best day ever. So happy yew-destroying day, too! Husbands rock. ;)