What it's all about

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


one thing they don't tell you about motherhood is how many different varieties of bodily fluid you are guaranteed to have on your person at any given time.

it's uncanny. 
i'm constantly sporting at least three. minimum.

you know that baby shower game that everyone likes to play where they melt the chocolate candy bars in diapers and you have to guess which candy it is?  and everyone giggles and says "ew gross!"

well, they should change that game to a forensics type black-light CSI crime scene game where you have to positively identify the bodily fluids on your favorite jcrew cardigan. 
because let me tell you, there will never be a time when you open your babies diaper and cry "oooh a snickers bar!", but there most certainly will be a time when you're in the grocery store and you look down at yourself and think "what is that? no seriously, WHAT IS THAT? is it from me? from my baby? which end of my baby?"
and then you inevitably realize, oh shit, that's pee. 
or, oh shit, that's breastmilk. 
or the worst one, oh shit, that's shit.

there's also spit up, snot, and drool, just to name a few. 
i'm just saying, if they changed the baby shower game to a CSI game it would be much handier down the line.  if you can learn to positively identify, on your way out to the grocery store you could look down and say "ehhh, that's just snot, i'm not changing."  or, "that's definitely chunky puke, we're gonna need a wardrobe switch." 
it's an acquired skill.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Haha, I think I just peed from laughing! ;)