What it's all about

Monday, September 10, 2012

a year and a half!

happy 18 months, finn baby!

today happily marks the six month mark until i no longer have to refer to finn's age in terms of months.

after two, that's it.  he's two.  or he's two and a half.  or he's three. 

gosh i hate these month age referrals. 

and the parents who refer to their kids' age in terms of months long after it's appropriate. 

oh, little jimmy is 49 months old. 

seriously? your kid is four.  now stop that.

the past six months since finn turned one have been tough ones indeed, but happy ones as well. 
we sure do love our little dude.

saturday finn learned to play drums with the actual drumsticks!
he used to just bang them like bongos, and showed no interest in the sticks. 

he was really proud of himself and his new found talent, so he carried the drumsticks around for a while.

i'm not quite sure we can call him a rockstar yet, but it's a step in the right direction! :)

more updates soon... i have to cut this one short because we are dealing with new molars this week and all of the joys (read shitty diapers and crummy attitudes) that come with them!  wheee!

i'll leave you with some happy finn baby beach pictures. 


Jean Isaac said...

My precious wee Finn. Words can't express the joy you have brought to my heart. Watching you grow, learn and investigate things,always brings a proud smile to my face. You have faced some challenges, but we all do. You are very smart, that I know, and you will overcome all the challenges that come your way. I love you so, so much. You hold the most special place within my heart. Love Grandma.

Anonymous said...