What it's all about

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

schizophrenic blog post.

wow, i haven't written a blog post in a while!

i think it's because i'm kind of all over the place right now.  so here's a blog about that. 

we're in the middle of a million different projects outside, which i kind of work on in sporadic order.  like, i started weeding the side patio, and then i discovered the more i weeded the more stones appeared.
the stones used to kind of stop where the wall does.
 and so i got a shovel and started digging up grass, and kept finding more stones.  there's an entire secret underground stone pathway system apparently that goes around our entire yard.

but let me tell you, it's a pain in the rear end to dig those suckers up.  good grief.  so, what i mean is, come over if you want.

i've been cooking a lot lately so that i can distract myself from other, larger jobs.  like the stones.  and the kitchen floors.  sometimes it's good to have distractions.  i recommend them in the form of flour's famous banana bread.  (except sub chocolate chips for the walnuts).  this one crucial change gives me the right to call it meg's famous banana bread.  i think.  probably not.

i bought a new pair of pants on clearance from urban outfitters.  they're bellbottoms.  i'm kind of obsessed with them.  they were a cool coral color.  then i washed them in hot water to get them to shrink before i got them hemmed, and i turned them this gay salmon color. you know, that color douchey prepsters wear to brunch at the club.  it's okay though.  i think the extremely high waist might cancel out the douche factor though.  oh, and now all of my dishtowels are pink.

i was taking a video of finn yesterday while he was trying to take a poo.  and i realized i kind of have this weird thing with taking videos of finn while he's trying to take a poo.  for some reason it's hilarious to me.  then i realized, even worse, that i literally have no other videos of him.  his entire first year is documented by craps.  seriously.  it's simultaneously funny and sad.  billy and i often wish that adults would poo in their pants the way finn does though.  mostly because it would make life hilarious.  like if your boss walked over to your cubicle to ask you for something, and then in the middle of talking he started getting this distracted look on his face, but he kept talking, and then he kind of paused, and then he kind of leaned over and put his hand on your desk for support.  and then he kept trying to talk but had to kind of grunt in between every few words.  that's what happens when finn poops.  he still tries to keep doing what he had set out to do before the poo snuck up on him.  it's really quite remarkable.  maybe one day, like oh say, his wedding day, i'll create a video montage.  it would be amazing.  i realize i talk a lot about poo on this blog.  i'm sorry about that.  here's a pretty picture.

that's all for now.  i'll write something more focused later. bye!


Taylor said...

Love everything! I really needed that laugh! :)

Tricia said...


That's all I've got. I'm peeing with laughter right now.

Tricia said...


That's all I've got. I'm peeing with laughter right now.

Jean Isaac said...

OMG! You are hilarious, I'm peeing in my pants. (not pooing)